Romantic bedroom ideas - Utundu kitandani


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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Romantic bedroom ideas

You may not believe it, but the essential part of the house is the bedroom . The best memories are created inside the bedroom and between the sheets . So, you better prepare yourself with some of the best romantic bedroom ideas to enjoy the moment together.

There was a point in history when a vast majority of the population lives in a home that’s just a single bedroom. There are still places in Europe and the rural USA where the bathroom is just a hole on the ground .

Even when you’re roughing it in the wild, the tent is nothing more than a portable bedroom. The reason why the bedroom is the most crucial part of the house is simple.

We are most vulnerable when we are asleep. We have to do it every day for more than a few hours. We need something to protect ourselves from the elements and other things that go bump in the night.

Bedroom ideas for couples

Sleep isn’t the only thing that happens in the bedroom. A lot of intimate moments happen there . It’s possible to screw in every corner and furniture in the house, but it wouldn’t be as sweet and romantic as the ones done in bed.

So get creative with some of th

e best and most romantic bedroom ideas which you can try out every time you both hit th

e bed together.

Any couple living together knows this, especially if they are living with kids or other members of the family.

Having sex everywhere is a lot of fun, but it’s not always possible in a house full of other people.

It is why the couple’s bedroom is special . It is a private room inside a private home.

Here are some romantic and practical bedroom ideas for couples.

Romantic bedroom ideas for couples

1. Invest in a reliable lock

Bedrooms are not just for privacy; it is also where valuables are usually stored. Good locks not only protect your privacy and security, but it will also prevent your grown children from walking in on you during quality time.

2. Consider soundproofing

Sex is much more exciting when you can moan and scream at the top of your lungs. Dirty talks also help increase excitement and give a more intense experience.

Serious couples also discuss serious matters.

Ensuring nobody overhears your adult (a different kind of adult)talk can prevent future troubles Smell it.

The human olfactory stimuli is stronger than other senses because of its short-range. The brain never learned how to filter out the noise the way it does with visual and auditory stimuli.

So invest in scents , whether it’s incense, vaporizers, scented candles, or other items; no sexy bedroom is complete without it.

3. Color your world

Cool colors are relaxing.

Warm colors encourage intimacy.

Learn to work with both, but your bedroom motif should only be one or the other. Cool and Warm colors clash . So decide which one works best for you. It is possible to have the best of both worlds through lighting.

Paint your bedroom with cool colors and have warm lighting. It is a must-have for any romantic bedroom.

4. Remove clutter

Romantic bedroom decorations shouldn’t include dirty clothes and shoes all over the place. Any clutter can ruin the mood, mainly if one party is OC . Any romantic bed settings don’t include trash all over the place.

Even if it isn’t trash, if the room is cluttered , it will ruin the mood , especially if you step on something sharp.

5. A large bed

There is something in the human psyche that gets excited when we see a large bed. After all, the bed is the centerpiece of all romantic bedrooms .

Studies show that it has something to do with social status since the middle ages, that’s why bed sizes are named as such.

Couple bed sets are available for a bit of humor and silliness, but they are not too appropriate if romantic is what you are going for. Beddings can help a lot in setting the mood.

Red silk is traditionally good.

White also helps the atmosphere, but it’s not advisable due to its inherent weakness with all kinds of stains.

6. Pillow fight

Speaking of beds and beddings, for some reason, it also helps with the atmosphere when there are lots of pillows.

It may not be your idea of romantic style, but lots of big pillows do help raise libido .

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