Four ways to overcome Jealousy in your relationship - Utundu kitandani


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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Four ways to overcome Jealousy in your relationship

Jealousy – That is unhealthy feeling that arises in most relationships. Where you want more attention from the person you love can do a lot more harm to you than you can ever imagine.

Your emotions can cause you to have thoughts that make you believe that there’s no hope. It’s dangerous and can cause your relationship to crumble. Getting jealous from time to time is normal but when it goes a long way, it becomes catastrophic.

Here are four ways to tame jealousy in your relationship:

1) Get your facts right

Yes, you suspect your spouse is cheating or you suspect there’s something going on between him and the lady next door, but how certain are you? Your suspicions may be due to his recent behaviour – the way he smiles or the new attention he gives to himself. Before you do anything drastic, figure out if it’s true.

Stalking him and reading his texts would only make you suspect him the more.

2) Talk to him about it

This might be the last thing on your mind, given the fact that you’re angry but talking about it is better.

You can say something like, “It looks like this new girl really made an impression on you. I don’t like feeling this way, but it makes me kind of jealous. Are you attracted to her?”

Something along that line will get him talking.

3) Set limits

Another thing to do is to set some boundaries. Most people enter relationships without expectations. Truth is, both of you need to sit and decide on what limits you’ll respect. Are you both allowed to befriend the opposite sex? And if you are, how do you handle having contact with them?

You owe it to yourselves and each other to talk about it and agree on what’s comfortable.

4) Make time for each other

The quality of time spent together is more important than the quantity. Time spent together can rid any feeling of jealousy.

Also there might be other ways that you may use to tame jealousy,,,what are them?

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